Tenant Handbook

Instructions to Movers

1.    Inspection of Premises

The mover is responsible for inspecting the tenant suite prior to the move. The mover should acquaint himself with the conditions existing in the suite, so that he may furnish equipment. He should be aware of the facilities of the building and the conditions, including safety precautions, under which the work must be accomplished.

2.    Insurance

The mover shall provide a Certificate of Insurance to the Management Office at least ten days prior to the move. All policies shall indicate that at least one (1) day’s prior written notice be delivered to the Management Office by the insurer prior to termination, cancellation or material change of such insurance. The Management Office can refuse to allow the mover access to the building if the limits provided on the Certificate of Insurance are not acceptable.

The mover must, at the mover’s sole cost and expense, obtain, maintain and keep in full force and effect, the following types of insurance and shall provide the Management Office with an appropriate Certificate of Insurance.

See separate COI Requirements document from Management Office.
Note that spelling of these parties must be exactly correct.


a.    Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability

This insurance shall contain a waiver of subrogation rights against “Crocker Partners” from any liability resulting from possible accidents occurring to mover’s employees.

b.    Comprehensive General Liability Insurance

This insurance will cover bodily injury and property damage including, but not limited to, the following:

•    Premises and Operations

•    Products/Completed Operations

•    Broad Form Property Damage

•    Personal Injury

•    Coverage for any Special Hazard or Operation not normally encountered

c.    Automobile Liability Insurance

This insurance will cover claims for bodily injury or property damage arising out of the Ownership, maintenance, or use of any private passenger or commercial vehicle.

d.    Cargo Liability

e.    Comprehensive Dishonesty Bond

3.    Use of Elevator

The freight elevator is to be used for moving. Passenger elevators may not be used to carry equipment or materials to or from tenant spaces.

4.    Services to be furnished by Mover

a.    Supervision, Labor, Materials and Equipment

The mover shall furnish all supervision, labor, materials, supplies and equipment necessary to perform all the services contemplated in an orderly, timely and efficient manner. Such equipment shall include, among other things, dollies, trucks, etc. as may be required. All material handling vehicles used in the interior of the building must have rubber-tired wheels and must be maintained and free from grease and dirt.

b.    Crating, Padding and Packing Material

The mover should take every precaution by means of crating and padding to safeguard property from damage. All padding and packing materials are to be removed by the mover. The mover shall also furnish, install and remove protective material wherever necessary to protect the building from damage (i.e. floor carpet, wall and glass) as requested by the Management Office.

c.    Permits, Franchises, Licenses or Other Lawful Authority

The mover, at his own expense, will obtain and maintain any necessary permits, franchises, licenses or other lawful authority required for effecting the movement, handling and other services to be performed. Before the move is made, the mover may be required to produce evidence of such authorities to the Management Office.

5.    Removal of Furniture and Equipment

Each tenant must provide advance written notice to the Management Office whenever furniture and equipment is to be removed from the property.